Driek's Space

Welcome to my oldskool website. A homepage, indeed! Come in and nose around.


People who've met me in real life know that I sing quite often. Some say I sing quite well, as well. Surely, I do it most of the time. Sometimes on my own, but I also make vocal music in several groups. I started Three MDB with two friends and it's a quintet that i'm very excited about: five highly talented and creative singers that not only are fantastic singers that can blend, but also songwriters and arrangers and theatrical performers... With Three MDB we sing a mixture of covers and original material.
Since september 2014, I'm singing with the new Dutch Organic Choir. Dutch conductor Merel Martens started this group to experiment with a new concept she's developing with Real Group-founder Peder Karlsson, a so-called leaderless choir with lots of room for improvisation. Great singers, great ideas, great vibe. I'm so thrilled to be a part of this. Even the auditions were fun!
I was one of the founding members of The Amsterdam Vocals. After five years of singing with them it was time to focus on new things, but on the other hand, now I can finally enjoy listening to them!
Some of my arrangements are available for download as sheet music under Creative Commons license.

In February 2010, I made my opera debut in the opera Adam, in Amsterdam's smallest opera house: naastcarre. A video of this opera can be found here: Naast Carre/video.
In november 2014, the next original production will premiere. Long sold out of course, but there might be a reprise...


In the 1930's, David Lennox Booth photographed English steam trains. A selection of his photos as a small hommage to this gentle man.

I like to photograph myself as well. New work mostly on flickr.


blog - occasional rants, rambles and observations.

Three personal pages on myself: About me, spiritually: on Osho, a warning on the Miracle of Love, about my former name; work, dayjob and freelance; and trains, where I muse on my fondness for everything on rails.

The joys of the craft : on the art & joy of programming [from Fred Brooks' classic The Mythical Man-Month].


recent blog entries

Veel concerten!
A trip to Budapest - travelogu...
First concerts of the Dutch...
Budapest: tips for vegetarians
Crowdfunding a new Pilgrim's...
Note on OSX Yosemite mail...

Recent photographs on site:


links & reads


