2003 / august / 28

more on Driek

So what, after all, made be drop the name I've used exclusively since 1997?
I've known for a while that Sakaama was on its way out - every now and then I would think about it, and I would 'try on' other names, and they never felt right. Especially with Driek. I had many dislikes about that name; the harsh sound, it being associated with backward farmers from the south, but most of all that it had come from the family tradition - that my parents had not searched for the name they wanted for their first child, but that they went with naming the oldest after the grandfather as tradition prescribes it. From fear. I found how big this grudge was in myself this weekend - and it transformed as I let it go.
And I also feel strongly that, despite a name change being very outward-oriented, this is primarily is an inner thing, and I shouldn't blast it out to the world. Keep it low-key. I want to let go a big attachment to being special, to being not just another guy, but far superior. I really want to let that go. It is standing inbetween me and who I can really be.
Thank you so much dear friends nearby and distant, for all your loving help and support. You know who you are.

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