2001 / november / 06

Bring back Bicycle Repair Man...

Despite the recession, Amsterdam life seems to be getting ever trendier.

Bike needed some urgent repairs, so off to the nearest repairshop from work. "Well, I'd have time for that on tuesday week", the repairwoman told me. "Do you want to make an appointment?" I was a bit stunned. Bicycle shops have always been the proverbial drive-in store to me. Appointments are for the dentist.
That was last week. And I made the appointment. Every time I told it to someone, it got more hilarious. An appointment for my bike? So this morning, went there before work.
What are all those people doing there...
Hey, isn't that the bike shop...
There's a queue on the sidewalk! Four people waiting. A lady with a flat didn't have an appointment and could only be helped next week - so she was mending the tire herself outside. A guy who needed to have some spokes replaced - no appointment either, so he went off to find another bike shop where they'd still work the old way.

(I can pick it at six tonight... but whatever, it was worth it already!)

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