2003 / january / 04

Feeding the ducks

The highlight of my day was going out to feed the ducks. As the sun was setting early I walked to the bridge under which they tend to shelter, and they did. Hundreds of ducks, and koetjes (I am seriously lacking in English ornithology) appeared as soon as I walked to the waterside. No doubt they were expecting.

And I am a socialist at heart, all for an egalitarian society. Hah! At least, when feeding the ducks. Ooh, that's a little one that's not fast enough, always reacting late, trailing a bit - see if I can throw a bit of bread just underneath her beak! Watch those gulls, they're fat enough already! Throw low and fast, just above the water, so they don't snatch it up in flight! Ah, some of the more adventurous koetjes are coming up on the waterside, there's a few crumbs for you lads. Look at that albino mallard in the middle, isn't he cute? That deserves a few precise throws.

And as soon as they know I was done they slowly turned away, the koetjes bickering on as usual, but the ducks floating away majestically in the now water amidst the reflections of the setting sun.

Highlight of my day? Sure was. Glad I made it out of the house, actually. I feel I'm finally on my way to recover fully after quite a dreadful month in which what seemed a simple flu turned out to be a nasty virus, to which I had rare complications. No fun. I hope I can get to work again this monday, if slowly, after a full month of absence. Or at least develop the three films, exposed a month ago.
Everything at its own pace though. I've had plenty of time to think these weeks, a time to think about what is valuable in life and what's not. And work is definately of less importance than I thought.

Here's one to friendship, to love, and to the ducks. To art, to the love of life, to vulnerability and the cheerful fellow patients in the waiting room that dreary tuesday.
And here's to feeding the ducks!

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