2001 / november / 25
be, ba, bs
did i ever mention the machinery behind this blog? with machinery, think Metropolis,
or Modern Times, or just that QUeen video that took grabbed everything in those movies
and made it a Freddie. Huge wheels, steam, naked workers. Well, just a perlscript really,
called by three shellscripts:
be invokes vi on the xml file that holds the data, then calls bs.
ba not baracus. BlogAdd. Add an entry to the data (all from STDIN, good old
friend, where I'm typing this now) and call bs.
bs takes the entries and the template files and writes it all out.
oh, the joys of being a luddite or just another perl hacker. Blogger is nice, but
can it do scp? and greymatter is v.nice but i can't run cgi scripts.and anyway.
i love ssh, diy and unix shorthand.
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