2001 / october / 22

Just purse your lips...

Moved into my new room the other day, large, spacious and hollow til my soon-to-be-hired new colleagues arrive. I've been reading resumes tonight which I find frightening - it's the first time i find myself on the wrong side of the table, so to speak, and it's unsettling knowing that I'll have to judge the people behind the letters.

Anyway, 'til they arrive, the room's a ballroom or bathroom - great to drive around in chairs in, Three Mile Island controlroom-style - or to sing, to finally come round to the subject of this ramble.
Now, you need to know that I love to sing. Love to sing. Really. I have an old school report where the teacher commented that 'if Driek would pause the singing sometimes, other kids might have chance to learn something, too', and I tell you, I'm fond of that one. If I'm in a good mood, I hum, whistle it I can't help it.
So today was the first day both my boss and I were in our new rooms at the same time. He could hear me straight through the wall. Even with closed doors. Radio's fine, but apparently my bass-baritone carries too far. I've got a good boss, he's sorry - but still, this hurts...

not so soft | main | I've got a cunning .plan





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