2001 / november / 25

what to write and what not to

what to write, and what to keep off this public log. so much has been happening in my life recently, much more than seeing Ani DiFranco this friday, spending saturday morning in the darkroom and a long leisurely autumn walk this afternoon. That leaves out quite a bit, doesn't it? But not something i can write about here. It has to do with love and care, with some people that i love much more than i realise but also in a different way.
Meg wrote about a visit to the hospital friday that must've been very awkward. How far would you go? She doesn't write what the visit was for, probably the best thing to do. Hope you are doing well and take care meg. i've been reading your blog for a while and it's as if you're a neighbour a few doors away, and i care about you (and i am a sentimental bloke, i know).

be, ba, bs | main | need i say more?





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